Voorkeuren voor deelbibliotheek

Met de knop 1 kun je alle voorkeuren terugzetten naar hun standaardwaarden, zoals toen je BlueBrick voor de eerste keer installeerde. Met de knop 2 kun je alleen de voorkeuren herstellen die in de huidige zichtbare categorie worden weergegeven.

De Tab volgorde 3 maakt het mogelijk om de volgorde van de categorieën vast te legen die boven aan het raam van de onderdelenbibliotheek staan. Zo kan men bij voorbeeld de categorieën die men het meest gebruikt links zetten, en die, die men weinig of niet nodig heeft naar rechts te verplaatsen. Om dit to doen, moet men de omhoog/omlaag knopjes gebruiken. De volgorde in de lijst van boven naar beneden, is gelijk van links naar rechts boven het raampje van de onderdelenbibliotheek.

Pressing the "Alphabetical Order" button will sort the list in alphabetical order.

The Background Color frame 4 lets you change the background color of the library window in three situations: first is the default color, then the color that should be used when you have loaded a Budget file and only the budgeted parts are listed (see the Budget section for more details) and finally the color used when you have filtered the library with some keywords (see How to filter the Part Library for more details). In case of both budget and keyword filtering, it is the keyword filter color that will be used. You can set the same color for the three situations if you don't like to see color change.

The Budget frame 5 lets you specify a Budget file to load at startup (see the Budget section for more details). This is very convenient if you have created your own budget file with your actual LEGO® set collection. You can also decide if a part that doesn't have a budget set should be considered as having a budget of 0 (meaning, you don't have that part in your collection and therefore should not be authorized to used), or on the contrary having an infinite budget (meaning that you have that part in so huge quantity that you don't bother add a limitation to it). Finally you can revert the dispay of the part used in the layout by displaying the remaining available parts (regarding your budget) instead of the used parts. For example if you have a budget of 10 for a part, and if you have placed 3 of this part on your layout, checking this option will display 7 instead of 3.

Part and Bubble Information frame 6 allows you to choose the information displayed under the part in the part library window (the part info) as well as the information you will receive in the "tool tip" messages when you move the mouse over an icon in the parts library window (the bubble info). Note that in order to see the part info or the "tool tip" messages you must activate them by checking the "Part Info:" or "Bubble Info:" checkbox or by right clicking on the part library window and selecting "Part Information" or "Bubble Information".