Gleisplan als Bild exportieren

Der Export des Gleisplans als Bild ermöglicht das Verschicken und Empfangen des Gleisplans, auch wenn der Empfänger BlueBrick nicht installiert hat. Des weiteren kann ein Gleisplan als Bild auch einfach archiviert oder veröffentlicht werden, z.B. auf der eigenen Homepage. Die Funktion "Bilder Exportieren" findet man im Menü  Datei > Bild Exportieren...  oder einfach durch Drücken von CTRL+E.


The watermark will also be exported by default at the bottom right of each image, unless you uncheck the checkbox 1. Electric circuit and connection points can also be exported with the checkboxes 2 and 3.

The options window gives you the possibility to select the section of your layout which you want to have exported. Simply click and drag the mouse over the image to place a red frame around the area you want to export. You can make a more precise selection by modifying the "Area Size in Studs" values 4.

Image size and count

Once you have selected the area of your layout that you want to export, you should specify the size and the number of images to which your layout should be exported. The fields 5 let you specify in how many rows and columns the export should be split. For example if you specify 3 in width and 2 in height, then 6 images will be exported. Spliting your export in multiple images can be usefull if you have a very large layout and still want to keep a reasonable picture resolution.

Then you can specify the size of the exported image(s) in pixel 6 or the image(s) resolution 7, i.e. how many pixels for drawing one stud (knowing that the native resolution of BlueBrick is 8 pixels per stud, so if you go above that value, you won't have more details in the exported image, except for the texts and rulers). Note that each time you type in one of the three values, the two others may be recomputed automatically as they are linked. For example the higher is your pixel/stud resolution, and the bigger the image will be; or if you specify a fixed size, BlueBrick will recompute the needed resolution to fit the layout in that size. The image size and resolution will be the same for all the exported images if you set more than one row or column.

Supported file types are .bmp, .jpg, .gif and .png, and the maximum image size allowed by BlueBrick is 4096 x 4096 pixels. If you want to create a bigger image of your layout, increase the row or column count to export in multiple images, then reassemble them in your favorite image editor software.


Ein direkter Ausdruck des Gleisplans ist nicht möglich. Zum Ausdrucken muss der Gleisplan als Bild exportiert werden (siehe oben). Anschließend kann das Bild mit Hilfe einer beliebigen Bildbetrachtungs- oder Bildbearbeitungssoftware ausgedruckt werden.