Specify the Sorting Order

Syntax: <SortingKey>...</SortingKey>
Default Value: An empty text.
Description: A text that is used to sort this part among the other ones of the part library.

By default Bluebrick use the part name to sort the parts in the library. However, with this SortingKey field you can specify a prefix to the part name and sort the part differently. BlueBrick will concatenate the sorting key with the part number to create a unique key for sorting purpose (the sorting key first, followed by the part name). Which means that if you don't specify a sorting key, the name of the parts alone will be used as usual for sorting purpose.

This field can contain free string text that is used by BlueBrick to sort the parts in alphabetical order. For example if you want to display several related parts close to each other in the part library, you can use a string that start with a category name followed by an order number. For example if you want to group all the 9V track together, starting with the straight track, then the curved one and finally the points, you can use these Sorting Keys:

The advantage of using category prefix rather than just a global number is that, if you want to regroup another type of parts, you don't need to change the existing sorting keys. Moreover if you want to place your new category above or under an existing one, you can just add a 0 or a Z at the beginning. Anyway just remember that BlueBrick is not aware of the category, it just sorts all the parts (in the same folder) based on the whole text.