Download BlueBrick Package(s)
BlueBrick is published in a zip file. To install it, you just need to unzip all the files (while keeping the same folder structure), somewhere on your hard drive, no matter your opperating system.
Download (21.9 Mb)
the MD5 of the zip file is: 0121736cf112ce8ae322164536f53f38
To reduce the size of the download, BlueBrick is distributed with only a basic set of parts, those which are most often used to create a City/Train layout. If you want more parts, you can download them from inside BlueBrick after installation (through the "File > Download Additional Parts..." menu) or cherry pick parts from the Part Tracker page, or you can download the additional package manually below:
And you can also download these packages created by third parties fans:
You should unzip the additionnal packages inside the parts folder in the BlueBrick installation folder.
Change log
Version 1.9.2
This version is another critical fix for downloading language package and part library package from within BlueBrick. BlueBrick request was rejected with an error 403 Forbidden due to the lack of some configuration.
- NEW FEATURE (Mattzobricks): Add snapping angles of 11.25° and 5.625° in the rotation snapping menu.
- BUGFIX (Mattzobricks): The download new parts feature was displaying an error (the HTTP request was refused with a 403 error).
- BUGFIX #62 (FreeStorm): Text cells on Text Layer is not drawn at the correct position on Linux (thanks @Shevonar for the fix).
- BUGFIX (Vincent): Open the popup modial dialog box on the same screen as the Main Application (when you have multiple screens and run BlueBrick on the second monitor).
- BUGFIX (Vincent): Make the combo box for the grid size a bit larger in the Grid Layer Properties window.
Version 1.9.1
This version is a critical fix for downloading language package and part library package from within BlueBrick. BlueBrick was using the non encrypted protocole (http://), and I've recently updated the bluebrick website to use the secure protocole (https://).
- BUGFIX (Alban): Update the application to download the part package in https instead of http, since the website has moved to https.
- BUGFIX (Alban): Fix the height calculation of the preview image in the Export Image Windows.
- BUGFIX (Alban): Fix the drawing of the watermark when the scrollbar is displayed.
Version 1.9.0
Finally a new major version after, I guess, several years. The new feature list looks impressive, but actually there is no real cool new features. Most of them are mainly quality of life and user interface improvement. This version however facilitate even more the parts creation (by facilitating the sharing of your connection points, and the update of part packages), and open the door to new custom tracks made by third parties, such as 4DBrix and TrixBrix, parts that are more and more used by the Train Lego Fans.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): The window to edit the general info has been moved to a tab next to the layer list, including the edition of the map background color.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): The part list window (now renamed into Part Usage) has been moved to a tab next to the layers list.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban & Matthias): The Part Usage now also display the Budget count, the missing count and the part usage percentage against the current budget, when a budget is opened.
- NEW FEATURE (Ludo): The Part Usage now display the sum of all the parts on each layer (or globally) and the part usage percentage per layer (or globally).
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): The Part Usage can now be exported in CSV format (on top of HTML and Text).
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): The Part Usage can now be reordered by clicking on the columns headers.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Added a checkbox to include (or not) hidden layers in the Part Usage list.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): The export of part usage list is now localized in the language of the application.
- NEW FEATURE (Vincent): An option to revert the counting of the parts in the budget (display remaining count instead of used count, option available in Preferences).
- NEW FEATURE (Vincent): Make the error message when pasting on the wrong layer, forgettable. Just beep instead.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): A feature to download library package online from various sources (official web site, and non official url).
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Support local Connection Type file in order to facilitate the deployment of packages (now you can add a "config" sub folder inside a part category folder, and add a ConnectionTypeList.xml file inside in order to define the connections of your package).
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Support the loading and saving of *.ncp file (from the thirdparty
- NEW FEATURE (supertruper1988): Add the possibility to set a template BBM file that is loaded when creating a new map.
- NEW FEATURE (Matthias): An option to display part names below the parts, in the part library.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): The new layers are now inserted above the selected layer, not at the top of the stack by default.
- NEW FEATURE (Matthias): When you delete a part, the active connection of the new selected part is the one where the deleted part was connected.
- NEW FEATURE (supertruper1988): The default export image extension is now PNG instead of BMP (and the list of available formats has been reordered).
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Add a new mouse cursor for when the user press the shift key (before moving the mouse).
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Add a "Properties..." menu item in the contextual menu to edit the texts and rulers.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Add some settings to edit the two Hull colors and thickness (brick and other) in the Preference window (Appearance tab).
- NEW FEATURE (Matthias): Add the 2 studs snapping.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Improve the usuability of the select path feature (through the menu items), now the path is selected between the last two selected objects, and the previous selection is not cleared.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Simplify the Path selection with a shortcut key (Multi selection Key + Pan View Key) + click on the second part (instead of going through the contextual menu).
- NEW FEATURE (Ludo): The export window now propose to export in multiple images, which extend indefinitely the export area at any scale.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Add scrollbars on the map view (can be shown or hidden from the map context menu and the View menu).
- NEW FEATURE (Evans): Show the current interruption of the 12V circuit breaker rail (hard-coded for the 2 specific parts).
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): For more flexibility during export and also during the edition, the hulls are now displayable PER layer, with different color and thickness for each layer.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Support the brick elevation by displaying it on each part if the option is checked on the layer, and save the display elevation property in the BBM file.
- NEW FEATURE #6 (Alban): Save a backup file of the map if the application crash.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Add the "Use as Template" context menu for the text cells (works like for the Rulers).
- BUGFIX (Alban): Fix a crash when saving in the library a group of parts without connection points.
- BUGFIX (Alban): Fix a crash when duplicating parts very quickly with the ALT key (crash due to delay with the clipboard).
- BUGFIX (Ludo): If there was an empty description in a part xml file (without language tags, just <Description></Description>) then the connection points of the parts were missing.
- BUGFIX (Vincent): Probably fixed sometimes when drag-n-dropping parts, only the selection box and the free connection point were moving (and not the grabbed parts).
- BUGFIX (Alban): Now you can open a file which is in readonly access.
- BUGFIX (Alban): Finally found a way to release the lock on the images when reloading the part library (well hopefully this time it will be fixed).
- BUGFIX (Alban): The scroll of the mouse wheel was not happening when moving the mouse over the part lib or layer stack, only after you click on it (now the focus is automatically given to the region of the application where the mouse move).
- BUGFIX (Alban): When updating in the library a group of parts that was not displayed in the library (because filtered with keyword) the image was added two times.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The cancel of the files download from the download center form was not properly stopped.
- BUGFIX (Matthias): The color name was "unknown" in the Bubble info at BlueBrick startup or after every Part Library Reload (and could only be valid after changing the preferences regarding the Bubble info).
- BUGFIX (Alban): Adding a part on a hidden layer was counting that part in the Part Usage list.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The flag that check if a budget was modified was not correctly set.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The Part Usage list was not properly updated when ungrouping a named group while being visible.
- BUGFIX (Matthias): The next connection preference set in part xml file was not respected when connecting a brick with drag'n'drop from the library, or after a move.
- BUGFIX (Thai Bricks): Now the "&" character is visible in layer's name if the user edits the layer's name with an ampersome.
- BUGFIX (Matthias): If a part name contains a dot, the full part id was not properly displayed in the part list on in the status bar.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The selection was displayed in the exported the image.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The ruler measurement text was not scaled in the exported image (which is the intended behavior on the map panel, but not on the exported image).
- BUGFIX (Matthias): The saving of a group in the Brick Library was incorrect when the group contain a sub-group, and you moved the group before saving.
- BUGFIX (Alban): If you move a large group with connections by picking it oustside its parts, but the mouse is under another part with connection not in the group, the group was still try to connect to free connection points, instead of just translate.
- BUGFIX (Alban): If you open the export image window and change the rendering settings, and cancel to close the window without exporting the image, then the settings were changed on the map.
- REFACTORING (Alban): Optimization of the update of the part list panel (use AddRange() instead of Add() to add the items in the ListView).
- REFACTORING (Alban): Modernize the HTML code of the part usage list export (add some CSS and colors).
- REFACTORING (Alban): Replace the progress bar by track bar for editing transparency of the layers.
- REFACTORING (Alban): In the Preference Window, add a combo box to choose the pan view key (before the key was deducted from the 2 other modifier keys which were set).
Version 1.8.2
This version is a maintenance version, mainly for fixing a critical bug that was making randomly your map unloadable after they have been saved, especially if the map was large. Since I was fixing stuff, I also fixed some minor bugs relating to groups.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Implement the saving of the "Connection Preference List" when saving a group in the library from the File menu.
- NEW FEATURE (Ludo): Make the link to the bluebrick website clickable in the About Box.
- BUGFIX (Alban & many users): CRITICAL! The unique id generator was not so unique, preventing sometime the BBM files to be reloaded (especially the large file which had more chance to have a collision of ids)
- BUGFIX (Nicolas): Potential CRASH! when loading a file containing a part with connection, for which the connection list has been updated in the library between the save and the load of the file.
- BUGFIX #54 (Alban): If you select a named group on the map and click on a part in the part lib, the part is added in the middle of the group.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The xml parsing of the <GroupConnectionPreferenceList> tag for the SET xml files, was skipping one connection preference every two.
- BUGFIX (Alban): When you just form a group, there was no active connection set by default.
- BUGFIX #55 (Alban): When you replace a part in a group, the display area of the group is not recomputed
- BUGFIX #56 (Alban): When you replace a part in a group, the replaced part doesn't belong to the group
- BUGFIX (Alban): After reloading the part library, all the settings of the part lib are reset to what it was when the application started instead of what it was just before reloading
- BUGFIX (Alban): If there's an error while loading a file, the loading progress bar was staying visible after closing the error window
- BUGFIX (Ludo): Improve the rendering of the LOD images of each brick. There was a 1 pixel shift, visible when you rotate a baseplate for example.
- BUGFIX (Christopher): The report email in the crash window is no longer working.
Version 1.8.1
This version is a maintenance version, mainly targeted for Linux and Mac users, and more specifically for Linux Users. However it contains few minor bug fixes that can also benefit to Windows Users especially if you use the feature to export a selection to a custom part. This version also see the upgrade to .NET 4, as the .NET 2 version is a bit old and outdated now, so if you had some problems linked to .NET 2, you can try this version.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Add a install script file and icons for Linux
- REFACTORING #29 (Anonymous): Upgrade the target platform to .NET 4.0
- BUGFIX (Alban): CRASH!! 100% crash at Startup on Linux (due to multithreading of the SplashScreen).
- BUGFIX (Alban): CRASH!! If you change the Preference when the Part Library is empty
- BUGFIX #59 (freestorm): the parts with upper case .XML extensions cannot be loaded on Linux
- BUGFIX #46 (Anonymous + Alban): Display the Help when pressing F1 (or via the Help menu) on Mac and Linux, if you have a CHM viewer installed.
- BUGFIX (Alban): Fix some bug for the behavior of the text box in the Save Group in Library window.
- BUGFIX (Alban): Now the selection is not cleared after an Export (but still not visible in the exported image)
- BUGFIX #53 (Alban): In the export window you can specify a selection rectangle null by setting a (bottom < top) or (right < left)
- BUGFIX (Alban): Handle correctly the new line char in the load part file Error window (on Linux and Mac). Make a pass on all the other places in the code where endline is used, to use the platform dependant end of line.
Version 1.8.0
This version contains cool new features: a new type of layer for drawing measurement rulers, a way to filter the part library with keywords, and a new feature to handle budgets of parts. Moreover, BlueBrick now use the clipboard to do copy/paste operation, allowing to copy/paste parts between several map. Of course it contains also many bug fixes including one crash bug.
- NEW FEATURE (Erik): A new layer type for mesurement tools.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Add a filter combobox in the bottom of the library
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Add a sorting order for the parts in the library based on a new ≶SortingKey&rg; tag in the XML file of the part
- NEW FEATURE #23 (many users): A feature to set a budget of parts and let BlueBrick warn you when you reach the budget
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Add more contextual cursors inside the layout panel (hidden layer, default grid cursor, new text, ruler cursors, etc...)
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): More precise Selection: Now the picking and rectangle selection use the hull of the part, and the text
rectangle for rotated text, instead of the axis aligned bounding box of the part or text.
- NEW FEATURE #9 and #45 (Loys): Use the clipboard to allow copy paste between several BleuBrick instances (support also copy + load + paste)
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): A feature to save a group that was created with BlueBrick in the library
- NEW FEATURE (David): Add a option in the preference to let the user choose if he wants an offset after a copy/paste
- NEW FEATURE #37 (doc_brown): Add a checkbox in the warning message box when not saving in BBM format.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Add more options in the preference to create any of the 5 types of layer for a new map
- NEW FEATURE (Pierre): The right click button can now cancel the current edition if you are in the middle of an edition (for any type of layer), but not under Mono
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Add some checkbox in the export window to choose what to export (currently you can add the watermark, the Hull for bricks, the electric circuit and the connection points)
- NEW FEATURE #8 (Patrick): Add an optionnal part outline to see more clearly the different parts when exporting the image: now you can draw the Hull of the part in the exported image.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): In the generated part list, don't list the sub part of a set, list only the set (unless you ungroup the set).
- REFACTORING (Alban): Move the display of free connection point and watermark in the View menu and add the display of the hull.
- REFACTORING #18 (Alban): Check where I could have used the directive "where" (remove code duplication)
- REFACTORING (Alban): Replace all the type test using a string with the "is" keyword
- REFACTORING (Alban): Improve the rendering speed of Text layer.
- REFACTORING (Alban): Move the draw and save of the image from the MainForm to the ExportImageForm
- BUGFIX #40 (Steffen): If you connect a gray track with a blue track, the sleeper between them should be the white 3034 one.
- BUGFIX #42 (Larry): CRASH!! if you export a small area after exporting a big area
- BUGFIX #47 (doc_brown): the LDraw header is not following the standard definition
- BUGFIX (Vincent): When exporting an image for the first time AFTER reloading the BBM, the export file name was the name of the folder instead of the name of the BBM
- BUGFIX (Alban): Find/Replace was not working with the named groups from the library (it didn't appear in the list and the replacement did nothing anyway)
- BUGFIX (Alban): When changing the order of the part lib tabs, the previously selected tab was not reselected
- BUGFIX (Alban): The current selected tab of the Part Lib was not saved when exiting the application, and not reset when restarting.
- BUGFIX (Alban): If you do a flex move on a hinged set with other elements (for example 4728-1), only the flex part are selected, so you can split the set without ungrouping it
- BUGFIX (Alban): Bug in the creation of the library image for some group (for example 4728-1)
- BUGFIX (Alban): The groups are not saved in LDraw format (so Flex part, cannot be reloaded as a group in BB)
- BUGFIX (Alban): Rotate and Delete a group part is not working as for a single brick. Rotate a group now rotate according to the connections, delete a group now select the next connected brick
- BUGFIX (Alban): Now you can duplicate bricks and connect them in the same mouse move
- BUGFIX (Alban): The snapping margin defined in the XML file has no effect for a group
- BUGFIX (Alban): In the Preferences Shortcut tab, adding a shortcut for a key already existing should ask if we need to replace it or associate a new action on the same key.
- BUGFIX (Alban): In the Preferences Shortcut tab, selecting a shortcut in the list updates the combo boxes below (for easy modification of an existing shortcut)
- BUGFIX (Alban): Precision error during the computation of the size for parts with a Hull defined in the xml.
- BUGFIX (Alban): When adding a group from the library, the brick were added in reverse order.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The group of Texts were not correctly duplicated (specially group of group)
- BUGFIX (Alban): When adding a new text, it was added in the back instead of the front like for parts
- BUGFIX (Alban): The style (italic, bold, strikeout, etc...) for texts were not saved.
- BUGFIX (Alban): Make the first display of each tab of the part library faster (especially on Mono which could take several seconds before)
- BUGFIX (Alban): The brick connections were not correctly recomputed after a series of undo
Version 1.7.1
This version is a maintenance version. It fixes several important crash bugs (the most important are the ones when loading some BBM file or when saving a LDraw file). It is also the first version fully compatible with Mono, which means Linux and Mac users can finally fully enjoy BlueBrick. It has been tested successfully on Linux, but not on Mac, because among the tenth Mac users who proposed to test the beta version none has given any feedback.
- NEW FEATURE (cimddwc): A shortcut key to bring the selection to front or send it to back (page up/page down by default)
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Add two new cursors for panning and zooming the view (mainly for Mono support reason)
- BUGFIX (ZueriHB): CRASH! When opening some BBM files (when checking if some links should be broken).
- BUGFIX #34 (Alban+Steffen): CRASH! When saving a file with rail tracks in LDraw format (bug introduced in 1.7.0)
- BUGFIX (Alban): CRASH!! If you move and snap a group of track then finally go back to the original snapping in one move, you will have a crash during the next move of a group without grabbing one part
- BUGFIX (Alban): CRASH!! In the download window, crash when attempting to rename a file to download without changing his name.
- BUGFIX (Alban): CRASH!! Press enter key on a part without connection makes the application crash
- BUGFIX (Lesgoss+Daniel): CRASH! When opening the Export Window (negative size computed for the preview bitmap)
- BUGFIX (Alban): In the download window, remove the useless File column and fix a bug about the edition of the file name.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The Find and Replace window was resizable but controls in it were not resized
- BUGFIX (Alex): The "Restore Default" in the Global options should only restore the default option of the current tab.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The selection/duplication keys were not reset to the default value when clicking the "restore default" button in the Preferences Window
- BUGFIX (Alban): The order of the shortcut key list was switching when the "restore default" button was clicked in the Preferences Window
- BUGFIX (Alban): Cannot open the help file after opening a map file
- BUGFIX (Steve): Double-clicking on a Text Layer brings up the options box for a Brick Layer (in fact the title was incorrect).
- BUGFIX (Alban): Fix some enabling/disabling issues for the toolbar buttons and the menu items
- BUGFIX (Alban): The 'R' and 'L' shortcutkey were inversed
- BUGFIX (Alban): The red rectangle was not drawn on the preview image of the export window at the first display after loading a file
- BUGFIX (Alban): When moving a selection, the brick under the mouse was highlighted even if it was not inside the selection
- BUGFIX (Alban): Fix a bug regarding the color of the grid (the grid colors were transparent in the option window if you modify the transparency of the layer)
- BUGFIX (Alban): The XML files of the parts should be save in UTF-8 (for better linux handling)
- BUGFIX (Ghislain): Under Linux (with Mono) the drag and drop of part is not working
- BUGFIX (Alban): Fix the maximum of bugs under Mono while keeping .NET working:
- The Error Window was not displayed correctly
- Patch to catch an exception while loading the 17th part and the following
- the size of the layer window is bigger than necessary at the launch time, or when you move the horizontal splitter
- No cursor when editing the name of a Text or Brick layer
- wrong icon for the drag and drop of a part
- The text edit window is not displayed correctly and there's no cursor in the Text edit window
- Part List Window was not displayed correctly
- No scrollbar for the translator
- Cannot move or edit text by double-clicking it
- wrong cursor when pressing SHIFT+LMB
- The Export picture window is not displayed correctly
- General Info window: no cursor for editing the first fields
- Recent Files list was not saved
Version 1.7.0
This version contains quite important new features. First of all, BlueBrick now supports flex track and hinged building sets. And the part grouping is also now supported (even in the library) letting you to better organize the library with shortcut parts. Another important improvement is the serach and replace feature. It contains also 12 bug fixes, including 3 crash bugs.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): support Flex PF track.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): The application may support dynamically language addition/removal (dll and chm file inside the folder).
- NEW FEATURE (Denis): Feature to search and replace a set of brick type by another one.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): The connection points are now configurable and extendable in an XML file.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Display the general info on top of the map (this can be disabled in the option settings).
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Display the mouse coordinates in stud in the status bar.
- NEW FEATURE (Larry): Display the XML exception when BB cannot load XML files.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Add the polarity check for detecting electric shortcut.
- NEW FEATURE (cimddwc): Add the transparency for all the layers (and not only the Area layer)
- NEW FEATURE (Larry): Save the export image settings in the BBM file.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): You can group/ungroup hierarchically parts and texts.
- NEW FEATURE (Larry): You can create XML files that are actually groups of parts and see them in the Library
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): New secondary zooming/panning method much easier for laptop, that replace CTRL+SHIFT+LMB and ALT+SHIFT+LMB. Now it is SHIFT+LMB and SHIFT+RMB. Mouse Wheel still supported.
- BUGFIX (Larry): CRASH! when opening a BBM file which is write protected.
- BUGFIX (Larry): Remove the offset when copying parts (was handy before, but now seems a bit odd)
- BUGFIX (Larry): The copy/paste of a group of bricks or text didn't copy in the same order
- BUGFIX (Vincent): CRASH! In the preference you could set a sub grid number to 0 or 1, leading to a later crash (when relaunching BlueBrick or editing the grid layer options).
- BUGFIX (Vincent): In the export window, the maximum scale was limited by the size of the total area, not the size of the selected area.
- BUGFIX (Daniel): CRASH! When the export window is minimized.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The saving of TDL file is not perfect (problems with polarity, flags, slopes and altitude). Well Slope is still not handle, but I don't plan to do more for now.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The snapping of connected brick tried to snap to free connection point inside the selection, making the snapping becoming crazy.
- BUGFIX (Alban): Another bug on the snapping of connected brick: now the selected bricks are unlinked from the non selected brick during the mouse down to have a stable snapping.
- BUGFIX (Alban): When applying 2 times in a row a brick duplication with the first duplication rotated, during the second duplication, the rotation of the first one was canceled.
- BUGFIX (Alban): When undoing the deletion of the top layer, the top layer where not replaced on the top.
- BUGFIX (Alban): When the last layer deleted was a Brick layer, you could still add parts.
Version 1.6.1
This version fix a crash bug for small parts, and a bug on the main feature of the 1.6 release (the new snapping connection). At the same time this release also introduce several new features related to the Part Library in order to improve its ease of usage.
- NEW FEATURE (Alex & Alban): Add a context menu in the part lib to choose more options: large/small icons, respect proportions, display bubble info
- NEW FEATURE (Alex & Alban): Add a tab in the Global Option for the part lib: now you can choose the back ground color and sort the tabs of the part lib
- BUGFIX (Larry): CRASH! if you add a small brick in the part lib (1 stud wide) BlueBrick was crashing in Export window and when zooming out
- BUGFIX 21 (Alban): The rail snapping is bugged if you change the current connection point in the same drag'n'drop
- BUGFIX (Alban): fix a bug in the error message dialog for list of files that could not be loaded (wrong name and duplicated files in the list)
- BUGFIX (Alban): fix the bug that the ampersome character "&" was not displayed in the status bar
- REFACTORING 17 (Alban): Do not fill the optim combo box in code
Version 1.6
This version is a major improvement in my opinion for two reasons: firstly the new part snapping system is very convenient (it was in my mind and in my todo list for a long time, but I always lack of courage to implement it), and secondly the refactoring about the part XML description files, leads to a more flexible and easier part management. More parts compatibles with extended version of custom TD registries also have been added, thanks to this refactoring.
- NEW FEATURE (Alex & Alban): When you drag'n'drop a connected brick, the dragged brick is rotated for a proper connection.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban, Stephan): Highlight even more the grabbed part in a group to help the user understand that this is the snapping part.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Change the highlight method of the part (remove the ugly squares) and add options to customize the highlight value.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Move the grid origin with the mouse when the grid layer is selected.
- NEW FEATURE (Alex): Remember the window size.
- NEW FEATURE (Richie): The grid step and rotation step could be saved in the preference of the application.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Save even more UI status in the preference of the application (Part list visibility, size and position, paint color, toolbar and status bar visibility, split panel position).
- NEW FEATURE (Didier): Add a configurable list of event in a config file.
- BUGFIX (Alex): CRASH! In the XML loading code, when you load a part that has a different number of connection in the file and in the part library, you may crash.
- BUGFIX (Alban): CRASH! The opening of the Global Option window was crashing the application if the part library was empty.
- BUGFIX (Thomas): A message box appears for the multiple selection key when switching the application to German language on a German Windows OS.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The duplication cursor could appear in wrong situation (when you press duplication key during moving parts/text).
- BUGFIX (Alban): You can now also duplicate brick/text if you press the duplication key after the left mouse key (but before moving).
- BUGFIX (Alban): the area doesn't move if you just move along the Y axis.
- REFACTORING (Alban): Move the TD and LDRAW Remap information in the XML part description file.
- REFACTORING (Alban): Remove the PartRemap.txt file and put the remap information in the XML part description file.
Version 1.5.1
This version fix a very critical bug on the rotation of the parts.
- BUG (Stefan): The parts with hull moved at the wrong place after a rotation (basically bug in the rotation algorithm).
- BUG (1000steine): The tooltips for rotate CCW and CW was inverted in the german translation.
Version 1.5
The focus of the 1.5 update was to extend the parts library and provide better support/help features. The first goal was achieved through generous contributions from the AFOL community*. The second goal was reached with the integration of the software’s first, comprehensive help file and online video tutorials. Check out the full list of updates below.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban, Alex, JB): Fully comprehensive and integrated offline help file in English and Dutch.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Added two buttons for "Send To back" and "Bring to Front".
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Added a warning message when saving in LDR or TDL to notice the user that some data will be lost.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Added the Author tag in the XML files of the parts.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Added an auto-restart feature when the user changes the language.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban and Eurobrick contributors*): A lot of new GIFs have been added, and old ones improved:
- Completely Revised and extended track library (34 GIFs)
- Completely revised and extended track side buildings library (27 Sets with minifigs and vehicles)
- Completely new town set additions (46 new sets with minifigs and vehicles)
- Completely new space set library (4 sets including monorail!)
- Completely revised duplo parts library (6 GIFs)
- 9 new baseplates including space
- 9 new custom bases (incl. US and EU standard size tables)
- BUG (Alban): The saving as a new map do not add the file in the recent list.
- BUG (Alex & Alban): Some picture URLs in the HTML exported parts list are not correct. (new URLs placed in XML file).
- REFACTORING (Alban): Move the part description in the XML file of the parts.
*The name of the original author can be found in the XML file which accompanies the GIF and the parts history can be found on the BlueBrick Index in the Train Tech forum.
**Eurobricks users who contributed to this release were: Aawsum, Cyclone Breezerider, FreeBee, Missouri_BB63 and Rapseflaps.
Version 1.4
The previous version was made to launch several new languages that were donated by the AFOL community, but unfortunatly not all languages could be completed at that time. So now the version 1.4 integrate a full translation of german, spanish and italian (a new language). But I also fixed a lot of bugs that I mainly discovered myself, the main ones concern the shortcut support. Finally this version include two great new feature: the custom mouse cursor to really help you undertsand what you are currently editing and the possibility to move the areas.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Custom mouse cursors.
- NEW FEATURE (Patrick): A feature to move the area.
- NEW FEATURE (Sergio): The italian language is integrated.
- NEW FEATURE (Patrick & Alban): Add new parts in the part library (new road + 48x48 green baseplate).
- BUGFIX (Patrick): The text is unreadable in the text edit box if you choose a small font size.
- BUGFIX (Patrick): If you save a file with a text containing a cariage return when you reload the file and edit it, the return is lost in the edit box.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The export area could be truncated in the exported image for large layout + add a 32 studs margin.
- BUGFIX (Alban): When you press the duplicated key (ALT) above a brick/text not in the selection, the selection can be duplicated.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The aplication was not in foreground when the splashscreen disapear.
- BUGFIX (Alban): Some improvment has been made in the spanish and german translation.
- BUGFIX (Alban): Add the @ in front of the path for cross platform support.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The style of the text (bold, italic, etc...) were not used on the map.
- BUGFIX (Alban): Shortcut conflict between the standard shortcut and the customizable shortcuts (like CTRL+S and S).
- BUGFIX (Alban): Support the repeated shortcut (if you keep pressing a shortcut key).
- BUGFIX (Alban): Improve shortcut support, the repeated rotation is now recorded as only one undoable action (just like the move, also debuggued).
- BUGFIX (Alban): The TD 4.5V level crossing (#153) is missing in the BB part library for compatibility with TrackDesigner.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The content of the combobox for the key CTRL, ALT and SHIFT is not localized (because added in code).
Version 1.3
The main reason of this release is the 3 new languages (even if there are not totally finished). The version of the BBM file changed again, so if you save some BBM files and send them to some friends, they will have to upgrade also (which is quite good in fact). Another important change in my opinion, is the full and correct support of the LDRAW format, thanks to the missing LDRAW parts created by Alex Taylor. Thanks a lot Alex!!!
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): The LDraw 4.5V rail are now fully supported thanks to the new LDRAW parts created recently.
- NEW FEATURE (Sergio): Some DUPLO tracks have been added in the part library.
- NEW FEATURE (Larry): Possibility to reload the part library through the File menu.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Due to the reload feature, the bbm format change again to version 4 (less data to save), so now the connexion position are not saved anymore.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): The Spanish language is integrated.
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): The Portuguese language is integrated (but not fully translated).
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): The German language is integrated (but not fully translated).
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): The HispaLUG and Communidade1390 logos have been added in the part library.
- BUGFIX (Elroy): CRASH! If you choose an area cell smaller than 8 in the global option, BB will crash when trying to edit a area property.
- BUGFIX (Alban): CRASH! if you load an empty tdl file.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The open recent file was not checking if the current files was modified.
Version 1.2
The main new feature of this version is the save in TDL format and also the improvement of the saving of the LDraw format. But the saving in TDL format is not totally finished, and there is still some bugs related to the slopes, the polarity of the track. I hope I will be able to fix them in the next release. I also adjusted some picture of some parts (some rail points) and it will move these parts a little when you will open an old file. I could not avoid that, so sorry for the inconvenience (you just need to move these part a bit they will snap again with the rest of the track).
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Improve compatibility with TD, and implement the SAVE in TDL format
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Open Recent files menu item in the File menu
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Add different alignment (left, right, center) for the Text cells
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): I changed some image of the part library, and that will move a little some parts when loading an old file
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Implement a system to handle the rename of some parts in the part library (to avoid loosing parts when loading an old file)
- BUGFIX (Alban): Crash if you add a road, and then add a normal baseplate just by clicking on it on the library
- BUGFIX (Alban): When creating a new text cell with several lines, move the mouse on it, it was displaying the text with several lines in the status bar
- BUGFIX (Alban): Improve the compatibility with LDRAW when exporting 4.5V or 12V tracks.
- BUGFIX (Alban): When you delete an unknown part that was linked, that doesn't break the links
- BUGFIX (Alban): When you use the "Send to back" or "Bring to front" that break the links
- BUGFIX (Ghislain): Improve the compatibility with Linux
Version 1.1
In this version the BBM file format changed a bit. Of course you can still load an old format file, but people who have the version 1.0 of BlueBrick won't be able to read a BBM file written with version 1.1, they will be obliged to upgrade BlueBrick.
- NEW FEATURE (Jeramy): Add shortcuts to add bricks. In fact I added a full panel in global option to configure the shortcut
- NEW FEATURE (Jeramy): Implement A*, to select the shortest way between two connected part choosen by the user
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): duplicate bricks with ALT+drag
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Add and save a Z coord in the BBM file for improving the compatibility with LDRAW
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Add a "Deselect All" function in both the Edit menu and contextual menu (with CTRL+D shortcut)
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Add "Select All" and "Select Path" in contextual menu
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): A status bar to display the description of the parts and to handle a progress bar used for save/load
- NEW FEATURE (Alban): Splash screen!
- BUGFIX (Bert): CRASH!! One user met a crash while the application is starting because he put a too big texture in the part database, so I add a message bug for the image BlueBrick can't open.
- BUGFIX (Sorry I forgot the reporter): The Edit text dialog let you enter an empty text that you can not see anymore on the map. So I disable the ok button if the text is empty and add a default text.
- BUGFIX (Alban): The restore defaut setting in global option was also reseting the language, which is not logical IMO.
- BUGFIX (Alban): When you change the language in the global option form it also change the default Author/LUG/Show in the correct language (unless something was set by the user)
- BUGFIX (Alban): Due to a case sensitive search in the library, some part could not be found. Now all the parts are saved upper case in the library.
- BUGPATCH (Alban): when you open a file, if when you click OK, the ok button was not above the BlueBrick application, then the waitcursor (hourglass) is not displayed. The bug is still here, but now I use a progress bar during loading and saving.
Version 1.0
First release.