Download BlueBrick Package(s)

BlueBrick is published in a zip file. To install it, you just need to unzip all the files (while keeping the same folder structure), somewhere on your hard drive, no matter your opperating system.

Download (17.5 Mb)

the MD5 of the zip file is: 40203227d408564a670b78916eb352a1

To reduce the size of the download, BlueBrick is distributed with only a basic set of parts, those which are most often used to create a City/Train layout. If you want more parts, you can download them from inside BlueBrick after installation (through the "File > Download Additional Parts..." menu) or cherry pick parts from the Part Tracker page, or you can download the additional package manually below:

And you can also download these packages created by third parties fans:

You should unzip the additionnal packages inside the parts folder in the BlueBrick installation folder.

Change log

Version 1.9.1

This version is a critical fix for downloading language package and part library package from within BlueBrick. BlueBrick was using the non encrypted protocole (http://), and I've recently updated the bluebrick website to use the secure protocole (https://).

Version 1.9.0

Finally a new major version after, I guess, several years. The new feature list looks impressive, but actually there is no real cool new features. Most of them are mainly quality of life and user interface improvement. This version however facilitate even more the parts creation (by facilitating the sharing of your connection points, and the update of part packages), and open the door to new custom tracks made by third parties, such as 4DBrix and TrixBrix, parts that are more and more used by the Train Lego Fans.

Version 1.8.2

This version is a maintenance version, mainly for fixing a critical bug that was making randomly your map unloadable after they have been saved, especially if the map was large. Since I was fixing stuff, I also fixed some minor bugs relating to groups.

Version 1.8.1

This version is a maintenance version, mainly targeted for Linux and Mac users, and more specifically for Linux Users. However it contains few minor bug fixes that can also benefit to Windows Users especially if you use the feature to export a selection to a custom part. This version also see the upgrade to .NET 4, as the .NET 2 version is a bit old and outdated now, so if you had some problems linked to .NET 2, you can try this version.

Version 1.8.0

This version contains cool new features: a new type of layer for drawing measurement rulers, a way to filter the part library with keywords, and a new feature to handle budgets of parts. Moreover, BlueBrick now use the clipboard to do copy/paste operation, allowing to copy/paste parts between several map. Of course it contains also many bug fixes including one crash bug.

Version 1.7.1

This version is a maintenance version. It fixes several important crash bugs (the most important are the ones when loading some BBM file or when saving a LDraw file). It is also the first version fully compatible with Mono, which means Linux and Mac users can finally fully enjoy BlueBrick. It has been tested successfully on Linux, but not on Mac, because among the tenth Mac users who proposed to test the beta version none has given any feedback.

Version 1.7.0

This version contains quite important new features. First of all, BlueBrick now supports flex track and hinged building sets. And the part grouping is also now supported (even in the library) letting you to better organize the library with shortcut parts. Another important improvement is the serach and replace feature. It contains also 12 bug fixes, including 3 crash bugs.

Version 1.6.1

This version fix a crash bug for small parts, and a bug on the main feature of the 1.6 release (the new snapping connection). At the same time this release also introduce several new features related to the Part Library in order to improve its ease of usage.

Version 1.6

This version is a major improvement in my opinion for two reasons: firstly the new part snapping system is very convenient (it was in my mind and in my todo list for a long time, but I always lack of courage to implement it), and secondly the refactoring about the part XML description files, leads to a more flexible and easier part management. More parts compatibles with extended version of custom TD registries also have been added, thanks to this refactoring.

Version 1.5.1

This version fix a very critical bug on the rotation of the parts.

Version 1.5

The focus of the 1.5 update was to extend the parts library and provide better support/help features. The first goal was achieved through generous contributions from the AFOL community*. The second goal was reached with the integration of the software’s first, comprehensive help file and online video tutorials. Check out the full list of updates below.

*The name of the original author can be found in the XML file which accompanies the GIF and the parts history can be found on the BlueBrick Index in the Train Tech forum.
**Eurobricks users who contributed to this release were: Aawsum, Cyclone Breezerider, FreeBee, Missouri_BB63 and Rapseflaps.

Version 1.4

The previous version was made to launch several new languages that were donated by the AFOL community, but unfortunatly not all languages could be completed at that time. So now the version 1.4 integrate a full translation of german, spanish and italian (a new language). But I also fixed a lot of bugs that I mainly discovered myself, the main ones concern the shortcut support. Finally this version include two great new feature: the custom mouse cursor to really help you undertsand what you are currently editing and the possibility to move the areas.

Version 1.3

The main reason of this release is the 3 new languages (even if there are not totally finished). The version of the BBM file changed again, so if you save some BBM files and send them to some friends, they will have to upgrade also (which is quite good in fact). Another important change in my opinion, is the full and correct support of the LDRAW format, thanks to the missing LDRAW parts created by Alex Taylor. Thanks a lot Alex!!!

Version 1.2

The main new feature of this version is the save in TDL format and also the improvement of the saving of the LDraw format. But the saving in TDL format is not totally finished, and there is still some bugs related to the slopes, the polarity of the track. I hope I will be able to fix them in the next release. I also adjusted some picture of some parts (some rail points) and it will move these parts a little when you will open an old file. I could not avoid that, so sorry for the inconvenience (you just need to move these part a bit they will snap again with the rest of the track).

Version 1.1

In this version the BBM file format changed a bit. Of course you can still load an old format file, but people who have the version 1.0 of BlueBrick won't be able to read a BBM file written with version 1.1, they will be obliged to upgrade BlueBrick.

Version 1.0

First release.